Monday, December 19, 2011


Things are starting to look up, I'm in a far better mood today than yesterday. I woke up this morning feeling a bit groggy because of the pain killers, but the pain has decreased a little and paracetamol is enough to make it bareable. Food is still an issue for me, the types of foods that I can have is restricted to soup, milkshakes, fruit purée and yogurt and it is just soo boring, it's not that I no longer like it I'm just over it, let's just say that I'm never going to be picky again!!! My swelling has decreased quite a bit, there is still quite alot but compared to what I had I feel a little more normal now. I have started getting some bruising on my lower cheeks, and although it looks horrible it is meant to be a sign of healing. One other thing I didn't think of pre surgery is how dirty the back of my teeth will feel, not bieng able to brush certain places has left me feeling pretty grotty. So I feel now like I have gotten over the hard part of the recovery and it is starting to get easier, but we'll see how things go, but I'm definately don't feel the regret and depression I was feeling earlier this week,now I'm just excited to see the final results once this swelling finally goes

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