Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Yesterday marked 2 months since my surgery and I seriously cannot believe how unbelievably fast time is going, soon enough I will be without braces! My ortho said that people usually wear elastics for 6 months so I guess that will be around when I get them off.  So today I went and visited the orthodontist, if you can call it that, we literally saw him for 2 minutes and then were done. He had a look at my bite and said that my bite was looking fantastic and that I now only had to wear my elastics at night, so I was pretty excited, I see this as a big step forward. My jaw is still a little stiff but other then that everything is going swimmingly hahah. I don't really see any reason to do my usual points as everything is pretty much the same but here are some pictures of the last week :)

Since there wont be much happening over the next few weeks, since i'm at 9 weeks now! so there is probably not much good in doing these weekly updates so when something happens i'll keep you updated :D

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